Sources On Health Econ Topics

FGS = Folland, Goodman, Stano text.

Overview of Health & Health Policy

Texts: FGS Ch. 1-3, Phelps Ch. 1-2.

U.S. Statistical Abstract, Section 3 Tables , 31 Table 1422, by U.S. Census Bureau, 1999.

10 Leading Causes of Death (15 in Canada), data on all causes

The Health of Nations: The Contribution of Improved Health to Living Standards, by William Nordhaus, November 1999

The Effect of Health on Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence by David E. Bloom, David Canning, Jaypee Sevilla.

Education and Health Care Lead Issues on Voters' Minds for 2000 Election, by Kaiser Family Foundation

Survey opinions on health from the General Social Survey.

Health Economics, by Victor Fuchs, in Social Economics, The New Palgrave, 1989.

Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care, by Kenneth J. Arrow, AER, 53(5):941-973, Dec., 1963

Economics, Values, and Health Reform, by Victor Fuchs, AER 86(1):1-24, Mar. 1996.

Your Money and Your Life: The Value of Health and What Affects It, by David M. Cutler, Elizabeth Richardson, NBER Working paper.

LONG-TERM BUDGETARY PRESSURES AND POLICY OPTIONS Growth in Medicare Spending, by Marilyn Moon, 1999. Growth in Medicare and Out-Of-Pocket Spending, 2000.

Amy Finkelstein, The Aggregate Effects of Health Insurance: Evidence from the Introduction of Medicare, 2006.

What Makes Us Healthy?

Texts: FGS Ch.5.

Modeling and Forecasting U. S. Mortality, by Ronald D. Lee, Lawrence R. Carter, J. American Statistical Association, 87(419):659-671, Sep., 1992.

A universal pattern of mortality decline in the G7 countries, by Shripad Tuljapurkar, Nan Li, Carl Boe, Nature 405:789-792 ,June 15, 2000.

The Soft Science of Dietary Fat, by Gary Taubes, Science, 30 March 2001.

Physical activity and mortality: A prospective study among women. Am J Public Health, Rockhill B, Willett WC, Manson JE, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Hunter DJ, Colditz GA. 2001;91(4):578-83.

Mortality Associated With Sleep Duration and Insomnia Archives of General Psychiatry by Daniel F. Kripke, Lawrence Garfinkel, Deborah L. Wingard, Melville R. Klauber, Matthew R. Marler, 59(2) February 2002.

Socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, and mortality, results from a nationally representative study of us adults, by Paula Lantz, James House, James Lepkowski, David Williams, Richard Mero, and Jieming Chen. JAMA 279(21):1703-1746, June 3 1998.

Peer Group Structure and Adolescent Cigarette Smoking: A Social Network Analysis, by Susan T. Ennett, Karl E. Bauman, J. of Health and Social Behavior, 34(3):226-236, Sept. 1993.

The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession, by Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone, NBER Working Paper.

Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality in 20 U.S. Cities, 1987-1994, NEJM 343(24):1742-1749, 14 December 2000. pdf also.

The effects of improved nutrition, sanitation, and water quality on child health in high-mortality populations, by Leng-fei Lee, Mark Rosenzweig and Mark Pitt, J. of Econometrics, 77:209-235, 1997.

Psychosocial work characteristics and social support as predictors of SF-36 health functioning: the Whitehall II study, by Stansfeld SA. Bosma H. Hemingway H. Marmot MG, Psychosomatic Medicine 60(3):247-55, May-June 1998.

The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Health Functioning as Assessed by the SF-36 Questionnaire: The Whitehall II Study, by Harry Hemingway et. al., American J. of Public Health, 87(9):1484-1490, Sept. 1997

Do socioeconomic differences in mortality persist after retirement? 25 Year follow up of civil servants from the first Whitehall study, by Marmot, M. G.; Shipley, Martin J. BMJ 313:1177-80, 1996.

Poverty and health. Prospective evidence from the Alameda County Study, by M. Haan, GA. Kaplan, T. Camacho, American Journal of Epidemiology 125(6):989-98, June 1987.

Comparing health inequality in men and women: prospective study of mortality 1986-96, by A. Sacker, D. Firth, R. Fitzpatrick, K. Lynch, M. Bartley, BMJ 320:1303-1307 (13 May 2000) see also Non-traditional roles linked to early death; House-husbands die sooner

Religious Involvement and U.S. Adult Mortality, by Robert Hummer, Richard Rogers, Charles Nam, and Christopher Ellison, Demography 36(2):273-283, May 1999.

Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings from the Nun Study, Deborah D. Danner and David A. Snowdon, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2001, Vol. 80, No. 5, 804–813.

The Impact of Specific Occupation on Mortality in the U.S. National Longitudinal Study, N. Johnson, P. Sorlie, E. Backlund, Demography 36(3):355-367, August 1999.

Economic Expansions Are Unhealthy: Evidence From Microdata, by Christopher Ruhm, September 2000.

Pesticides and Property Rights, by Roger Meiners and Andrew Morriss, PERC policy series PS-22, May 2001.

Olga Kiuila, Peter Mieszkowski, The effects of income, education and age on health, Health Economics 2007.

How Much Does Medicine Help Health?

Texts: FGS Ch. 5, Phelps Ch. 3.

Free for All? especially pp. 8,9,44,120,173,174,190,191,198-201,210-213,234,235,238243.

Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, by Willard G. Manning, Joseph P. Newhouse, Naihua Duan, Emmett B. Keeler, Arleen Leibowitz, AER, 77(3):251-277, June 1987.

Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial: Risk Factor Changes and Mortality Results, JAMA 277(7):582-594, 19 February 1997.

Hutchinson Smoking Prevention Project: Long-Term Randomized Trial in School-Based Tobacco Use Prevention—Results on Smoking, Arthur V. Peterson, Jr., Kathleen A. Kealey, Sue L. Mann, Patrick M. Marek, and Irwin G. Sarason, J Natl Cancer Inst 92:1979-1991, Dec. 2000.

Results at 8 years of intervention for low birthweight premature infants: The Infant Health Development Program, JAMA 277(2):126-132, by McCarton, C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Wallace, I., Bauer, C., Bennett, F., Bernbaum, J., Broyles, R., Casey, P., McCormick, M., Scott, D., Tyson, J., Tonascia, J., & Meinert, C.,(1997).

The Productivity of Health Care and Pharmaceuticals, an International Comparison, by H.E. Frech III and Richard Miller. 1999.

The Economics of Better Health: The Case of Cardiovascular Disease, by David Cutler and Srikanth Kadiyala, November 1999.

Are Medical Prices Declining?, by David M. Cutler, Mark McClellan, Joseph P. Newhouse, and Dahlia Remler, NBER Working Paper.

Health Care Spending as Determinants of Health Outcomes, by P. Cremieux, P. Ouellette, and C. Pilon, Health Economics, 8:627-639, 1999/

"The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century", by John and Sonja McKinlay, Milbank Quarterly, 55:405-428, 1977.

Improving Health: Measuring Effects of Medical Care, by John P. Bunker, Howard S. Frazier, and Frederick Mosteller, Milbank Quarterly, 72(2), 1994.

Exceptional Returns, The Economic Value of America's Investment in Medical Research, Lasker Foundation, May 2000.

Listening to Prozac but Hearing Placebo: A Meta-Analysis of Antidepressant Medication, by Irving Kirsch and Guy Sapirstein, Prevention 1, June 26, 1998.

Tracing the Origins of Salmonella Outbreaks, by Andreas Bäumler, Billy Hargis, and Renee Tsolis, Science, 50-52, Jan 7 2000.

Sickening Food, Science News.

Medical Care and Health Improvement: The Critical Link, by Julio Frenk, Annals of Internal Medicine 129(5):419-420, September 1, 1998.

Margaret Byrne, Kenneth Pietz, LeChauncy Woodard, Laura A. Petersen, Health care funding levels and patient outcomes: a national study, Health Economics, 2006.

Medicine in Other Times and Places

Texts: FGS Ch. 23-24, Phelps Ch. 17.

Health Policy in Poor Countries: Weak Links in the Chain, by Deon Filmer, Jeffrey Hammer, and Lant Pritchett

Child Mortality and Public Spending on Health: How Much Does Money Matter?, by Deon Filmer and Lant Pritchett, Dec. 1997.

Who Benefits from Social Health Insurance in Low Income Countries? by Paul Gertler and Orville Solon

Economic evaluation of communicable disease interventions in developing countries: a critical review of the published literature, by Damian Walker, Julia A. Fox-Rushby, Health Economics, 9(8):681-698, 2000.

A pooled cross-section analysis of the health care expenditures of the OECD countries, by U Gerdtham, J. Sogaard, B. Jonsson, and F. Andersson, in Health Economics Worldwide 287-310, 1992.

Population Growth and Technical Change, One Million B.C. to 1990, by Michael Kremer, Quarterly Journal of Economics 108(3):681-716, August, 1993.

Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Health Externalities

Texts: Phelps Ch. 15.

New Germ Theory, by Judith Hooper

The AIDS exception: privacy vs. public health, by Chandler Burr

Is Addiction "Rational"? Theory and Evidence, by Jonathan Gruber and, Botond Koszegi, NBER Working Paper No. 7507.

Externalities and compulsory vaccinations, by D. Brito, E. Sheshinski, and M. Intriligator, J. of Public Economics, 45:69-60, 1991.

Demand for Health and Medicine

Texts: FGS Ch. 6,7,8, Phelps Ch. 4-5, Free for All?.

Corporate Hospitality, the Economist, 71, 27Nov 1999,

The Doctor's Dilemna, the Economist, 55-56, 22Jan 2000,

Whose Body Is It, Anyway? What doctors should do when patients make bad decisions, by Anul Gawande, New Yorker, 84-91, 4Oct99.

Second Opinion. How does a doctor tell a gravely ill man that another doctor's advice may kill him?, by Jerome Groopman, New Yorker, 40-49. 24Jan2000.

Supply of Medicine - Old

Texts: FGS Ch. 10,13-18 Phelps Ch. 6-9.

The Social Transformation of American Medicine, by Paul Starr, 1982.

Is Hospital Competition Socially Wasteful?, by Daniel P. Kessler and Mark B. McClellan.

Incentives in Nonprofit Organizations: Evidence from Hospitals, by J.A. Brickley and R. L. Van Horn.

Physician Salary Survey

Supply of Medicine - New

Texts: FGS Ch. 12, Phelps Ch. 11-13.

The Changing US Health Care System, by Marsha Gold, 77(1), 1999.

Does Managed Care Lead to Better or Worse Quality of Care?, by Robert Miller and Harold Luft, Health Affairs, 16(5), Sept/Oct 1997.

Managed Care, by Sherry Glied, NBER working paper 7205.

Health Insurance

Texts: FGS Ch. 9,11,22, Phelps Ch. 10-11.

Adverse Selection in Health Insurance, by David M. Cutler and Richard J. Zeckhauser

Propitious Selection, by David Hemenway

An Empirical Examination of Information Barriers to Trade in Insurance, by John Cawley and Tomas Philipson, AER89(4):827-46 Sept 1999.

Testing for Asymmetric Information in Insurance Markets, by Pierre-Andre Chiappori and Bernard Salanie, Journal of Political Economy 108(1):56-78, Feb. 2000.

Why Doesn't the Market Fully Insure Long-Term Care?, by David M. Cutler, NBER Working Paper

Time-Consistent Health Insurance, by John Cochrane, J. Political Economy, 103(3) 1995.

"Body Shop" Economics: What's Good for Our Cars May Be Good for Our Health, by Susan Feigenbaum, Regulation.

Variation in Quality of Medicine

Texts: FGS Ch. 10

How Good Is the Quality of Health Care in the United States?, by Mark A. Schuster, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, and Robert H. Brook, Milbank Quarterly, 76(4), 1998.

Is Health Care Ready for Six Sigma Quality? by Mark R. Chassin, Milbank Quarterly, 76(4), 1998.

Preventing Death and Injury From Medical Errors Requires Dramatic, System-Wide Changes, Institute of Medicine

Reducing Errors in Health Care, AHCPR.

Incedence of Adverse Events and Negligence in Hospitalized Patients, Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I, by T. Brennan et al., NEJM, 324(6):370-376, 1991.

Selective Referral to High-Volume Hospitals, Estimating Potentially Avoidable Deaths, JAMA 283(9), March 1, 2000.

How Much is Enough? Efficiency and Medicare Spending in the Last Six Months of Life, by Jonathan Skinner and John E. Wennberg, NBER Working Paper.

Geography And The Debate Over Medicare Reform, by John E. Wennberg, Elliott S. Fisher, and Jonathan S. Skinner, Health Affairs, web exclusive, February 2002

Harold Shipman's clinical practice 1974 - 1998, A clinical audit, 2001.

Licensure, Certification, and Bans

Texts: FGS Ch. 16, Phelps Ch. 16.

Individuals' estimates of the risks of death Part II - New evidence, Benjamin DK, Dougan WR, Buschena D, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 22(1):35-57, January 2001.

Primary Care Outcomes in Patients Treated by Nurse Practitioners or Physicians A Randomized Trial, by Mary O. Mundinger, et al. JAMA 283(1), Jan 5, 2000

Internist-1: An experimental computer-based diagnostic consultant for general internal medicine, by RA Miller, HEJ Pople, and JD Myers, New England Journal of Medicine 307:468-76, 1982.

Warning Labels as Cheap Talk, by Robin Hanson

Physician Manipulation of Reimbursement Rules for Patients, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, by Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah S. Cummins, Jonathan B. VanGeest, Ira B. Wilson, JAMA 283(14), April 12, 2000.

Other Ways to Get Information on Quality

Texts: FGS Ch. 9, Phelps Ch. 14.

Public Quality Info: HealthGrades, smart choices: choosing quality care, AHCPR HCUP Quality Indicators, NCQA accreditation

Is More Information Better? The Effects of 'Report Cards' on Health Care Providers, by David Dranove, Daniel Kessler, Mark McClellan, Mark Satterthwaite, NBER Working Paper No.w8697

How Liability Law Affects Medical Productivity, by Daniel P. Kessler, Mark B. McClellan.

Use of Public Performance Reports: A Survey of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, by Eric Schneider, and Arnold Epstein, JAMA, 279(20):1638-1642, 27 May 1998.

Death and reputation: how consumers acted upon HCFA mortality information, by ST Mennemeyer, MA Morrisey, LZ Howard, Inquiry 34(2):117-28, Summer 1997.

The Establishment Strikes Back, Medical Savings Accounts and Adverse Selection, by Peter Ferrara

Buy Health, Not Health Care, by Robin Hanson

Showing That You Care

Showing that you care, by Robin Hanson

An Exploratory Survey Examining the Familiarity with and Attitudes Toward Cryonic Preservation, by Scott Badger.

Alcor cryonics provider.