Graduate Law and Economics I
Fall 2013 GMU TENTATIVE Syllabus

Mondays, 7:20-10:00pm during Fall 2013, in Carow Hall (was Planetary Hall, Room 120.)

Instructor: Robin D. Hanson, Associate Professor, Economics (,
Office Hours: Officially Monday 5:00-7:00p. But I'm usually in at Carow Hall 10A. Call ahead (703-993-2326) if you want to be sure.

Catalog Entry:

Econ 840 Law and Economics I. Prerequisite: ECON 611 or 811 or permission of instructor. Uses economics to analyze U.S. Common-law system, evaluating efficiency and logic of evolution.
Required Text:

Steven Shavell, Foundations of Economic Analysis of Law, Harvard University Press, 2004, ISBN 0674011554

Recommended Texts:
David D. Friedman, Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters, Princeton Univ. Press 2000, ISBN 0691090092.
Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen, Law and Economics, Sixth Edition, Addison Wesley 2012, ISBN 0132540711. author web notes
Thomas Miceli, The Economic Approach to Law, Second Edition, Stanford University Press, 2009, ISBN 9780804756709
This is the first time I'm teaching this class, so I'll be figuring it out as I go along. Expect me to change my mind about lots of things.
Grade Weights: class participate 5%, homework 5%, midterm 15%, final 25%, paper 50%.

Week Text ChaptersLecture Topics
26 AugS1-3 Intro, Property
2 Sept No Class
9 SeptS4-7 Property
16 SeptS8-10 Accident
23 SeptS11-12 Accident
30 SeptS13-14 Contract
7 Oct S15-16 Contract
15 Oct Midterm Note class on Tuesday
21 Oct S17-19 Legal Process
28 Oct S20-22 Crime
4 Nov S23-24 Crime
11 Nov S25-29 Structure, Welfare
18 Nov Private Law
25 Nov Future Law
2 Dec Review, Slack
16 Dec Final Exam, 7:30 -10:15pm.

Disability Notice

If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703.993.2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office.

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